Lesson Category: Christian Academy

Prayer Lecture 6

Welcome to lesson 6. read the pdf or listen to the audio file below, then complete the quiz to move on to the next lesson. Notes Lecture 6 Your Foundation for Success Lecture 6 worksheet Audio

Prayer Lecture 8

Welcome to lesson 8. read the pdf or listen to the audio file below, then complete the quiz to move on to the next lesson. Notes Lecture 8 Effective Prayer – Part 2 Lecture 8 worksheet Audio

Prayer Introduction

Welcome to the introduction lesson to prayer read the pdf or listen to the audio file below, then mark complete to move on to the next lesson. Notes Introduction Audio

The New Covenant Lecture 1

Welcome to lesson 1. read the pdf or listen to the audio file below, then complete the quiz to move on to the next lesson. Notes Lecture 1 The Blood Covenant Lecture 1 worksheet Audio

The New Covenant Lecture 2

Welcome to lesson 2. read the pdf or listen to the audio file below, then complete the quiz to move on to the next lesson. Notes Lecture 2 The Abrahamic Covenant Lecture 2 worksheet Audio

The New Covenant Lecture 3

Welcome to lesson 3. read the pdf or listen to the audio file below, then complete the quiz to move on to the next lesson. Notes Lecture 3 Handling the New Covenant with Skill Lecture 3 worksheet Audio

The New Covenant Lecture 4

Welcome to lesson 4. read the pdf or listen to the audio file below, then complete the quiz to move on to the next lesson. Notes Lecture 4 The Covenant Meal Lecture 4 worksheet Audio

Financial Wisdom Lecture 5

Welcome to lesson 5. Read the pdf or listen to the audio file below, then complete the quiz to move on to the next lesson. Notes Lecture 5 Our Financial Traps Worksheet Lecture 5 Our Financial Traps Audio

Financial Wisdom Lecture 4

Welcome to lesson 4. read the pdf or listen to the audio file below, then complete the quiz to move on to the next lesson. Notes Lecture 4 Our Financial Household Worksheet Lecture 4 Our Financial Household Audio

Financial Wisdom Lecture 3

Welcome to lesson 1. read the pdf or listen to the audio file below, then complete the quiz to move on to the next lesson. Notes Lecture 3 Our Financial Management Worksheet Lecture 3 Our Financial Management Audio