Bible School and Skills Academy

Join our Bible school to train, equip and release you as a ministry Kingdom Worker.

Our skills academy will provide you with work competence and improve job performance and employability.

Grow spiritually and acquire job skills and workplace competency

We expect that all our skills courses will have an impact on individuals, corporations and entrepreneurs. Our Bible school will deepen your spiritual growth while also qualifying you as a spiritual teacher.

Bible School

Maybe you felt a calling to serve in ministry but were not sure where to start. Or you just want to take your spiritual knowledge to the next level. Follow our structured curriculum and look no further.

Skills Academy

It is our vision that when students complete these courses they will be more employable, obtain better results, improve work competence and even become more entrepreneurial.

Convenient Access to the Best e-Learning Platform

Learn from your computer, tablet or mobile phone from anywhere in the world at your own convenience. 


Learn from the Professionals

Watch lectures from experts in their field who are passionate about making sure you get the best learning experience possible.